Start With the Basics

Primera compra

El café de especialidad es un café excepcional con más de 80 puntos sobre 100 en la escala de la SCA. Todo empieza en las distintas regiones cafeteras del mundo, con los pequeños productores de origen, que seleccionan los mejores granos y los recogen de forma manual. Una vez importado, el tostado se realiza en el país de consumo, de forma artesanal, para asegurar su frescura.
Los tostadores de café son los que se encargan de elegir los granos de café verde y utilizando sus conocimientos y experiencia lo tuestan de forma artesanal y lo comercializan de forma directa a sus clientes. Cada tostador imprime al grano su propio carácter
You can outsource any back office or non-core business function, as we provide a wide array of services, some of which are: Call Center Services, Data Entry Services, Software Development Services, Mortgage Services
You can outsource any back office or non-core business function, as we provide a wide array of services, some of which are: Call Center Services, Data Entry Services, Software Development Services, Mortgage Services
Pagar en Café Gourmet es 100% seguro.
  • Café Gourmet tiene un certificad SSL y su dirección aparece en HTTPS. Eso te indica que estas en una página segura. Los datos que indicas están encriptados en el momento para poder transitar con toda seguridad en Internet.
  • No nos es posible tener acceso a tus datos bancarios. Stripe hace la transacción automáticamente y no tenemos acceso a tus datos.
  • Si no quieres pagar con tarjeta, puedes pagar tu pedido con PayPal y Apple Pay

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You can outsource any back office or non-core business function, as we provide a wide array of services, some of which are: Call Center Services, Data Entry Services, Software Development Services, Mortgage Services
You can outsource any back office or non-core business function, as we provide a wide array of services, some of which are: Call Center Services, Data Entry Services, Software Development Services, Mortgage Services
You can outsource any back office or non-core business function, as we provide a wide array of services, some of which are: Call Center Services, Data Entry Services, Software Development Services, Mortgage Services
You can outsource any back office or non-core business function, as we provide a wide array of services, some of which are: Call Center Services, Data Entry Services, Software Development Services, Mortgage Services
You can outsource any back office or non-core business function, as we provide a wide array of services, some of which are: Call Center Services, Data Entry Services, Software Development Services, Mortgage Services

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